We offer 1 Year Warranty on HuddleFly Device with Free Software Updates.
After 1 Year Software Updates will be charged at $25/year.
Hardware Warranty: For any reasons if HuddleFly device stops working due to a hardware failure due to say an electrical surge or lightning strike or Micro-SD card corruption we will swap (replace) your HuddleFly device for free with a flat fee shipping fees of $10 per device. The shipping fees is for us to mail you the replacement device and for you to mail back the corrupted device.
Software Warranty: We will provide you FREE software updates which includes important operating system updates, security update as well as new features for your HuddleFly device for 1 year. After 1 year, for any new updates, a flat fees of $25 is charged. The reason this fee is charged is for us to be able to pay for storage, cloud server charges and any other chargers that are assessed by Google, Facebook, Stocks/Currency, Weather services and Dropbox services that we utilize.