NOTE PowerPoint Play Limitations:
– Limitation#1: Animations are currently not supported within PowerPoint slide show. Should you have to animate, you can convert your PowerPoint into a video first and then play it in HuddleFly. Here is how to convert PowerPoint to a video (Supported video file formats: .mp4, .avi & .mov):
— Limitation#2: Maximum file size: 256 MB
— Limitation#3: You will need a FREE Dropbox account
— Limitation#4: Save your PowerPoint in .pptx extension. (.ppt shows a countdown timer during playback)
Sample PowerPoint File Link:
How to display PowerPoint slideshow on HuddleFly?
- Open your PowerPoint file (.pptx or .ppt or .odp) using Microsoft PowerPoint program, go to Transitions and select all of your slides and pick the transition style. Within the Advance Slide option, uncheck “On Mouse Click” and select “After” option and pick a slide transition delay.
- Next, go to Slide Show and select “Setup Slide Show”. Pick the option “Browsed at a kiosk (full screen)” and select Ok. Save your file.
- Upload the file to your Dropbox account
- Within the Dropbox account, click “Share” and copy the shared URL link
- Pick “Play From Cloud” option, set your transition time. Select “PowerPoint” option for Media to Play and paste the Dropbox shared URL. Click Update and Save Preferences.

If you experience issues with displaying PowerPoint correctly to scale on your TV or monitor, the other option would be for you to convert the PowerPoint to slide pictures as follows by choosing jpeg file and All Slides. Zip all the slide pictures and upload to Dropbox as usual. On HuddleFly, you would just pick Pictures and choose Transition times between slides and Submit. Plus it will be a much faster playing without any conversions.